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Learning Contentment

Something has come into focus for me lately. A lack of contentment on this journey of following Jesus can drive me into the grip of temptation. We become especially vulnerable to the lusts of the flesh when we lack contentment. Paul promised that if we walk in the Spirit we would definitely not fulfill the strong desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). Walking in the Spirit is characterized by contentment. When we are truly content we are not vulnerable to the strong desires of the flesh because we are enjoying the satisfying supply of the Spirit. We are drinking from the well and experiencing profound satisfaction (John 7:37-38). How do we stay in that condition?

Learning how to be content in whatever state we are in is something that the Triune God must teach us through his word and our experiences (Philippians 4:11). It is very much like the way that Jesus learned obedience through the things that he suffered (Hebrews 5:8). It is going to come through things that we suffer that we are going to learn obedience as well as contentment. I have worked hard at avoiding suffering and experiencing lack in my life. Comfort and control are the most common idols that show up in my heart. I have always tried to keep my expectations low and have been very careful to avoid situations that would lead me into situations where I might suffer or not be in control.

But then I think, “What in the world am I waiting for now that I have a new life in Christ Jesus. Must I continue to anticipate a life of fear and guilt or can I actually experience a life of peace and joy and contentment because Christ really is all I need and more than I need?” We sing "All of you is more than enough for all of me!" I believe that but it is so easy to keep looking at reality through the lens of a slave instead of a son. If we are accepted just as Jesus is accepted then we are truly secure in the love of the Father as it has been manifested in Christ Jesus. His love isn't just potential. It is real. He sent His Son into the world and the Son took our place and suffered and died in our place so that we could be made right with God and received into the inner fellowship of the Triune God. We are at the table with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So why not stay there and not move from this glorious place that nothing else can possibly compete with?

Contentment is a real issue. We must learn the secret of being content. It is something that must be learned by experience. Paul learned it and the process included much suffering and difficulties in all areas of life. But Paul saw the process as worthwhile and effective. Do I want to learn the secret of being content in all circumstances? This is such a crucial part of living as a follower of Jesus Christ. This is a necessity for overcoming besetting sin. When I am bored and begin looking for stimulation and relief I am assaulted (powerfully enticed) by the strong desires of the flesh. The flesh offers instantaneous relief and satisfaction. So I am greatly tempted to embrace this lust of the flesh for comfort and control like the process of conception. But what is born is not what was promised. Instead of life there comes a kind of death with all it's destructive force. I find myself dead to God and dead to my true life. It is a truly tragic death and I feel it deeply. A million miles away from my Father and home in His presence.

So this gospel contentment is something I need desperately to learn - the secret of being content in all circumstances. When I am content I will not be so vulnerable to the enticements of the world, the flesh and the devil as I follow Jesus.